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Haemanthus albiflos
Haemanthus albiflos is an evergreen. The upper half of the bulb is usually exposed and bright green. It produces a pair of leaves once a year. The plant may have up to three pairs of leaves. In late autumn and winter, brush-like umbels comprising multiple tiny white florets are borne on stout stems, followed by fleshy white oval fruits. This is a very successful indoor plant where it is too tender to be grown outdoors, and thrives on "healthy neglect". It prefers not to be in full sun, but is very tolerant of under-watering, and flowers better if restricted in a small pot. Flowering size bulbs offered. Plant them in humus rich garden compost with equal part of horticultural sand. Full light or partial shade required. During winters life the bulbs and store indoors in cold countries after the plant goes dormant. The items will be sent usually within 2 working days once the payment has been cleared. If you purchased multiple items we may be able to review the shipping cost, so kindly wait before proceeding to the Paypal payment. Any adjustment will be made on the same day or early next morning latest.

Haemanthus albiflos

SKU: H0525
Excluding Sales Tax